Musical Numbers

      Act One

    1. Exercises (Professor & Students)
    2. In Barcelona (Pablo & Students)
    3. Everything Is Possible In Paris (Pablo & Jose Ruiz Blasco))
    4. Everything Is Possible: Reprise (Pablo, Fernande, Jacqueline, Du Lac, Ensemble)
    5. Sketches (Pablo, Father Francois, Annabelle, Anabelle's Mother, Claudine, Regis & Ensemble)
    6. Give Us Life (Ensemble)
    7. Lilacs and Pigeons (Pablo & Jose Ruiz))
    8. I Prefer To Dream (Fernande)
    9. We'll Find A Way (Pablo)
    10. And So It Begins (Max, Pablo & Fernande)
    11. And So It Begins: Reprise (Max)
    12. You Need Max (Max, Guillaume, Andre & Pablo)
    13. Welcome To The Bateau Lavoir (Jacques & Ensemble)
    14. Welcome To The Bateau Lavoir: Reprise (Father Francois, Mother, Annabelle, Claudine, Regis & Ensemble
    15. We'll Find A Way (Pablo)

      Act Two

    16. My Next Work (Maurice, Du Lac, Max, Fernande & Ensemble)
    17. We'll Find A Way: Reprise (Pablo & Fernande)
    18. Cartoons (Du Lac, Gerard, Cesar, Anatole & Pable))
    19. They're So Many Ways To Love (Max & Fernande)
    20. It Is What It Is (Gertrude)
    21. Pretty Pictures/They're So Many Ways To Love (Fernande & Pablo)
    22. Change The World (Pablo)
    23. I'll Take It (Gertrude, Pablo & Ensemble)
    24. Sketches/Give Us Life: Reprise (Father Francois, Claudine, Regis, Annabelle, Anabelle's Mother, Jose Ruiz & Ensemble)
    25. And So It Begins: Reprise (Max, Fernande, Jose & Ensemble)


      At present, a complete piano score is available. As of this point in the development of the show, there are no written orchestrations. However, a cassette tape with sample "synthesized orchestrations" is available by contacting: