Certain guidelines will be used by NewMusicals.com to determine if a show is acceptable for listing on the site. While new shows are often "in development" and may, therefore, change during and after production(s), it must be mutually understood by all parties that any show submitted must be virtually "complete" in terms of script, lyrics and music. While complete orchestrations may be most helpful to promote a new show, certain shows may be chosen based on potential - even if the music has not been fully orchestrated and exists only in "lead sheet" format. Simply, any producer, agent, producing organization, or theatre department should be able to contact the creative team and request samples of any of the aforementioned.

The following must be submitted:

  1. A one page synopsis of the musical

  2. The complete script including lyrics

  3. A complete piano/vocal score, if available (or complete "lead sheet" score)

  4. A "paragraph type" biography of each collaborator

  5. A tape (or CD) of music from the show (NOTE: for a "premium package" listing, music samples must be provided in mp3 file format or AIFF format. Or, for an additional charge, formatting from "pre-edited tapes" or CDs can be done by NewMusicals.com)

  6. A "Cast of Characters" list and any additional information (i.e. "doublings, etc.)

  7. A "Musical Numbers" list (a song list with titles and their character performer(s))

  8. A production history or "status" history, if applicable

  9. An orchestration list, if applicable

  10. A self-addressed, stamped envelope for the return of materials (A self-addressed, stamped postcard for receipt of materials, if desired). Materials WILL NOT be returned without a self-addressed, stamped envelope (SASE)

  11. Please include publishable address(es) for contact for standard U.S. mail and/or e-mail of each collaborator

Please mail material to:

Submissions Editor
New Musicals.com
22 Grenhart Street
West Hartford, CT 06117-2105